Responsible Business

Through its responsible operations ESO seeks to contribute to the development of a cohesive society by ensuring a secure and uninterrupted distribution and supply of electricity and distribution of natural gas. ESO also acts responsibly in other areas and takes care of interested groups, eg ethical and partnership-based treatment of employees, attention to their working environment and safety.

Priorities of ESO responsibilities:

  • Improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact by conserving energy and resources;
  • Responsible handling of electricity and gas (for both customers and employees); 
  • Safety and health at work.

Responsible and sustainable development for ESO means ensuring the reliability of infrastructure, which contributes to economic and social development without compromising the environmental balance. Timely and measured development of innovative technologies and the balanced fulfilment of the needs of employees, customers and society minimises the environmental impact.

The essence of a responsible business-society partnership is a sustainable, safe and clean environment that will remain for future generations. The following principles of sustainable development are guided in ESO daily activities: 

  • Ensuring the sustainability of electricity and natural gas distribution and electricity supply, promoting economic and social development while respecting the environment and meeting the interests of the target groups;
  • Efficient use of natural resources for the ongoing activities;
  • Smart and efficient use of energy and reduction of environmental impact during distribution and use of electricity and natural gas;
  • Promoting a sustainable approach to the environment to employees, contractors, suppliers and the public.

The Company shall implement these principles through focused daily activities in the following areas:

1. Economic responsibility;
2. Employees;
3. Environmental protection;
4. Society and communities. 

ESO encourages other companies to join in the development of responsible, sustainable development-based activities leading to social and economic well-being.

ESO also manages its activities in accordance with the principles and obligations of the UN Global Compact to act responsibly and is a part of Lithuanian Responsible Business Association (LAVA), where it shares its experience and best practices.

The Code of Ethics is based on values of our organisation and defines the principles and standards of business ethics followed by all Ignitis Group’s companies and their employees.

You can find our Code of Ethics here.

General principles of sustainability of AB Ignitis Group

Social responsibility advancement report 2018

Corporate responsibility progress report  2017

Corporate responsibility progress report  2016

Group Supplier Code of Ethics

The Group is one of the largest buyers of various goods, services and works – companies owned by the Group carry out about 3,200 public and commercial procurements every year.

In order to contribute towards creating a more sustainable future for all of us, we are inviting all suppliers of the Group to comply with the provisions of the Supplier Code of Ethics.

Ignitis Group Supplier Code of Ethics

Financial support

The Rules of AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” for the Management of Support for the Restoration (Reconstruction) of the Energy Infrastructure of Ukraine Destroyed by Military Operations shall determine the procedure and criteria for providing support, the procedure for administering and evaluating applications, the responsibilities, and other conditions for the management and provision of support.

The objects of the support shall be limited to movable property not to be used in the Company’s operations.

The purpose of the Company’s support shall be to provide assistance to the victims of military and/or armed hostilities in Ukraine by transferring movable property not to be used in the Company's operations for the restoration (reconstruction) of the energy infrastructure in Ukraine destroyed by military operations.

The beneficiary of the support may be:

Ukrainian state institutions meeting the requirements set out in the Law on Charity and Sponsorship, other legal acts, and the Rules.

A legal entity established in Ukraine, the purpose of whose activity is not profit making and the profit obtained may not be distributed to its participants. Such a legal entity must have been registered as a legal entity in the Register of Legal Entities of Ukraine for at least 1 (one) year prior to the date of submission of the Application, as well as comply with the requirements set out in the LCS, other legal acts, and the Rules of AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius”.

The maximum amount available to AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” for the provision of support for the financial (calendar) year 2023 shall not exceed EUR 200,000 (two hundred thousand euros).

Applications shall be sent to: [email protected]  

For information on the support provided by “Ignitis grupė” and its companies, click here.

Support provided


Support agreement has been signed on 27 December 2023.
Support recipient: Charity Foundation KUNIGAIKŠČIŲ OSTROGIŠKIŲ KARŪNA.
Support objective: Support is granted for restoring and repairing the energy infrastructure damaged during the armed conflict in Ukraine.
Support item: Transformer stations and work clothes that are no longer used by AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius”.
Support value: EUR 117,103.98.
Support period: 2023.



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